DNA & Protein Sequence Tools
Translate a nucleotide sequence to a protein sequence.
Compute various physical and chemical parameters for a protein sequence.
Predicts potential protease cleavage sites for a protein sequence.
Database of known and predicted protein-protein interaction networks.
AlphaFold and Related Tools
AlphaFold Structure Database
Open access to over 200 million predicted protein structures.
Run AlphaFold2 (and other programs) via Google Colab notebooks.
Structure Prediction Software
Curated list of protein structure prediction software and tools.
AlphaFold Guide
Training course for researchers to understand fundamentals of Alphafold2, predictions, and assessment.
Data Repositories
Repository for cryo-EM raw data.
SBGrid Data Bank
Deposit raw data for X-ray crystallography and MicroED.
SAXS Data Bank
Repository for biological SAXS data and models.